Saturday, January 3, 2009

For or Against?

For or Against?
This usually applies in the most recent English course I underwent (note the wrong usage of the previous word). To support or to oppose a specific topic.

For example:

Abortion is widely accepted by Western culture. Chinese eat less potatoes than non-Chinese. A watermelon usually does not fall far from the watermelon tree, albeit the fact that they are vines as a matter of fact. East prevails over West in a game of mahjong.
Extracting information from the above text, what is your opinion for or against the argument?

Except that there is no argument. Or logic at all. Bad example.

Anyhow, I would never allow free English lessons in my blog, so why did I choose this title?

Because "For or Against" may be used as a form of motivation. Seriously at times, although I am trying to be more prominent-like and confident of myself, some of the ideas I bubble up seem really weird.

As weird as the fact that the weirdness of this statement which is not weird but intended to be. Hmm, go figure.

Relating a phrase that involves supporting or opposing with Motivation and the end product is..
(I usually never use more than one dots in conjunction, it seems really juvenile at times!)

Motivation by supporting or opposing! (My kindergarden teacher's definitely proud of me)
To do things to achieve bigger cause or to do things to avoid a certain cause.

But in most context, it is not really to avoid something but rather to go against something. Hard to explain without examples. Then again, my examples are so vague they require more examples that, in the end, needs not only your eyes, body and soul, but my brain as well because my thoughts are only understood by an elite few and oh my goodness what a long sentence!

Ahem, about the example mentioned in the previous paragraph, here goes:
You really hate another person and want that person to suffer for all the things that he/she (usually she, I'm so sorry) has done to/for/against/with you. So you decide to make that person suffer by:
  • Telling the person off, hoping that she/he (notice she comes before he!) has some tiny bit of conscience left and she/he feels bad leading to things worse than just feeling bad; eg. head-banging, cursing, carving of appendages and at best, suicide.
    (mind you, I am not a sadist)
  • Emo-ing. Surprisingly, this is the number one option many of us tend to do. But it really is pointless. Maybe I would write about this, another time though.
  • The third and most viable choice would be to:
    Improve ourselves in order to make the other person feel crummy as compared to the status that you have. To stand tall over another person and just, well, laugh at her/him.

    To do this third choice, is what I mean by doing things to go against something. Sort of.
And well, this concludes my explanation about how to do things against other things.

But coming to an actual point of realisation (where actual facts do count), it is entirely not possible to do things that are against things, because in essence, you are still doing things.

Because to do something for a reason is what most normal people (quote normal people, not me) do and practice throughout their crummy lives. They live up to expectations, work towards goals and hope that their dreams come true.

Which is what I do as well.
Which is what makes me not not a normal person, makes me not abnormal, makes me normal.

Which sucks.

Thinking back, it seems I wrote this post in a fit of rage, well as opposed to a fit of happiness, as the entire post goes about bashing certain issues. It seems so bleak. So negative.

The best way to relate to what I tried to convey above is to ask yourself, why are you doing certain things?

Most of the time, it would be because you wanted to or rather there is a greater benefit or bigger aim behind it.

But for those rare cases, it would be because you hate a specific thing, be it a person or a situation you are in. Angst. Dissatisfaction. Hate.
Born through these evil intentions are the actions that bear the most meaning in your life.
Actions that make or break you.

And it is this radical motivation which I seek.

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