Monday, December 29, 2008

Introduction - Motivation

Pretty sure most of everyone agrees with me on this:
We tend to focus more on what we lack, what we do not have; particularly what we desire and do not have.

But yeah, I mean it is common sense to act that way. You and I both long for things that are not there. Keyword: long, hence denoting a distance between a person and the thing he/she desires. And when we do get what we want, this "distance" disappears. Consequently, we short for the things we have. Wow, I just coined something new. Short; as a verb.

And alas, I have begun my rampant habit of bush beating. Beating everything except the bush that is.

Here's a small space to reflect and collect my thoughts once again.

* Space *

That's a nice space.

Anyhow, I would never allow spam that is totally unrelated to run around freely and de-beautify my pristine blog. That context in mind, let us relate the title and the initial paragraphs before the space.
  1. Motivation
  2. To long for something that is not there. Anti-shorting.
And to help you along, here's a mini guide!
Reimbursement of Kindergarden Memories!
  1. Will you buy me a red t-shirt?
  2. Will you buy me a blue t-shirt?
Compounding the above two sentences;
Will you buy me a red t-shirt and a blue t-shirt?

Hence, compounding the summary of my opening portion of this post;
I long for motivation, because I do not have it.

On second thought, the relation between the above examples is paper thin. Not just your average 80gsm foolscap paper thin, thin in this context refers to "Made in China" paper, thinner than Kleenex tissue paper. What I mean is that, my point is really vague. But in another sense, that is my point. My point is that I am vague.

But I digress.

I am vague because:
I have no drive.
I have no ambition.
I lack willpower.
I long for motivation.

(and to think that I would be able to write straight-to-the-point posts, look at the amount of text above the main content of this post)

You may argue and say that for a person without motivation, I have done this, that or the other great thing in my minuscule life. "Great" thing.

On the contrary however, I feel that everything I have done surmounts to an absolute zero.
What I have not done, I could have done.
What I have done, could have been better.
What could have been done better, would still not be the best.
What has been done at it's best, I have not done.

(and the never-ending circle goes on and on)

I sure as hell think that it is fair to say that that that that (error occurred: too many that's)
In my opinion, I believe that a lot of us live happily in ignorance. Blissful.

Because they do not know what they want. They do not have something to long for. People are generally contented with what they have presently.

I on the other hand long for things, want things that I do not have. I have goals and dreams to fulfill.

And it is in this desire to complete my self-assigned tasks that I need the motivation for.
Motivation which I lack.

It clearly sucks to be me, because there are things that I want and cannot achieve.
Looking through a shop's glass panel admiring toys that I could never have.
Looking at rich people eat buffet breakfasts, hoping for a over-filled stomach I could never have.
Looking at certain magazines, longing for *ahem* that I could never have.
(*ahem* denotes digital cameras, what were you thinking!)

I just took a long break from writing this blog collecting my thoughts and reflecting about other things.

And hence I can no longer continue, making this, yet alas, another introduction.

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